Friday, June 09, 2006

Business As Usual

Busy, schizoid, borderline maddening day. (Kinda felt like Orasia, Orpheus' nemesis, at left:)

Started with a phone interview on Romeo et Juliette (for future play on Viva la Voce) - this is a wonderful thing, but my mind is stuck in the early 18th century at the moment. Then we recorded WTOC's first podcast - a link to be posted here shortly. Stay tuned, as they say.

A spirited battle ensued with computer software: Powerpoint vs. Word in the quest to print labels to put in the supertitle score. In order for the supertitle operator to align the English translations with the music during performances, s/he follows along in a cued musical score. We print the English translations on labels which are then pasted in the score. Getting the silly things to align correctly in a label template is a low-tech challenge but an irritating one.

Subsequently, I managed to screw up a transportation run and sent a driver to the wrong place to pick up one of our designers. Grrrrr.

Tonight, final rehearsal in the room. Run-through for the designers. I haven't spent nearly enough time in the room these last few weeks, and it's so satisfying to get back in the middle of the music.

Orpheus cast day off tomorrow, then into the theatre on Saturday, and the rehearsal room gets turned over to Comte Ory!

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