Mental Fatigue
Still on a bit of an unintended blog slow-down. I promise to be back soon with something approaching enthusiasm.
Meanwhile, I'm resorting to parasitic blogging... In the absence of any original or critical thinking on my part, I'm pointing you elsewhere:
Go here for the Philadelphia Inquirer's online multi-media review of the Curtis Orchestra - I'm sure the link is about to expire, but maybe it'll be there for another few days. I'm intrigued but not entirely sold. Adaptistration describes this new venture: Of course, putting music online is hardly a new concept but for what ever reasons, traditional newspapers have been reluctant to take full advantage of all the online medium has to offer (that, in-and-of-itself, is a large, separate discussion). Regardless, the Philadelphia Inquirer takes the first timid step into a new era of cultural reporting which allows journalist and reader to share in the same experience. Congratulations to the inimitable Steven Blier, just named Coach of the Year by Classical Singer magazine. Playbill's story is lovely, but a bit understated. It's a nice companion to last week's Los Angeles Times article on collaborative pianists. (If you ever are seized by the desire to know more about all of this, bookmark the Collaborative Piano Blog. I particularly like the Skills and Preferred Skills for the Collaborative Pianist.) Read it all, and realize that none of it begins to approach the magic that Steve works with his colleagues and his audiences.
Set model photo above courtesy of Martin T. Lopez. Orpheus Act II: The Underworld.
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