Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Aria Frequency List: Mezzo-soprano

The following list was compiled from the arias listed on audition applications of singers who were heard during this fall's WTOC audition tour. The number in bold refers to the number of singers in this voice type who listed each aria. (This does not refer to the arias actually heard in auditions; that list will follow in December.)

Smanie implacabili

Must the winter come so soon
Svegliatevi nel core
Va! laisse couler mes larmes

Voi che sapete
Wie du warst

Cruda sorte
Que fais-tu

Sein wir wieder gut
Una voce poco fa (mezzo)

Things change Jo

Parto parto

Give him this orchid

Adieu forêts
Nobles Seigneurs salut
Non piu mesta
O mio Fernando
Pres des remparts (Seguidilla)
Vois sous l'archet (Violin aria)

All'afflitto è dolce il pianto
Je vous ecris (Letter scene)
Pauline's aria (Podrugi milïye)
Thy hand Belinda / When I am laid in earth

As I was saying (Baba the Turk)
Chacun à son goût (Ich lade gern)
Connais-tu le pays
Deh per questo istante
Dopo notte
Enfin je suis ici
Faites-lui mes aveux
I shall find for you (Lullaby)
Iris hence away
L'amour est un ouiseau rebelle (Habanera)
Me voici dans son boudour
Priva son d'ogni conforto

A Prayer (The Mighty Casey)
Ah! mon fils (Le Prophete)
Batti, batti
Beppe's Aria ( L'amico Fritz)
Cara speme, questo core
Che farò
Contro un cor
Dal crudel che m'ha tradita (Tamerlano)
Di tanti palpiti
En vain pour éviter
I am an actress (Nina's aria)
I am easily assimilated
Je vais mourir
Lyubasha's Aria (Tsar's Bride)
Mon coeur s'ouvre à ta voix
My father left me here (Therese Raquin)
New York has Changed Me (An American Tragedy)
Nimmermehr wird mein Herze...
Non . . . vous n'avais jamais (Les Huguenots)
O! la pitoyable aventure
Or la tromba
Perfido, di a quell'empio tiranno
Povero amico
Romance from La Damnation de Faust
Sgombra è la sacra selva / Deh! Proteggimi
Sta nell'Ircana
There is a garden
Vedro con mio diletto
What a movie
Where shall I fly


  1. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Are you deliberately listing Da chas nastal ...Prostite vy (Maid of Orleans) and Adieu forets as two separate arias?

  2. Nope - my mistake. I compile this data pretty quickly, and while i try to find redundancies, I don't always get them all. Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. Julia Claire Taylor4:48 PM

    How old were these auditioners and did you think that these were good choices for them?
    I am a young (pretty sure I am) mezzo soprano and am looking for age-appropriate repertoire, and was wondering if this was a good list...

  4. Julia -

    This is a good list for your purposes. There are a few heavier roles on here (Dalila, Carmen, etc), but there are many good options for younger or lighter mezzo voices. Your teacher should be able to help you tease out what's best for you.


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