La folle journée
Shame on me for not posting more often this week. Figaro opens tomorrow night, and we're terribly proud of it. It looks as if the weather just might cooperate, too. I'm not superstitious but still think it would be unwise to be too cocky. At this venue, the bottom line can be scarily dependent on barometric pressure.
If you're in the DC area, we're looking forward to seeing you at the Filene Center. Good tickets are still available in every price range for both Friday and Saturday. If you're here on Saturday, come to the pre-show talk at 7:00. I have yet to figure out what to say, but I'm sure it'll be just fine.Pictures on today's entry are courtesy of Stan Barouh, and they come from last night's dress rehearsal.
I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom. (Thomas Carlyle)
Opera tech weeks are never a walk in the park, but they're particularly punishing in an outdoor multi-use venue. I'm increasingly dependent on a decent night's sleep in order to be coherent, and there hasn't been a lot of that this week. We get to go home by around 2am (and we're the lucky ones... stage management and lighting staff stay until sunrise) and come back less than 8 hours later. They keep telling me that the older one gets, the less sleep one needs, but I have yet to see it kick in.Audition Season Starts Next Month!
If you're looking for audition information for 2007, it should be up on the Wolf Trap website by September 1. We're hoping to roll out a completely online application experience - interactive application forms, opportunity to upload your resume and headshot, and a secure credit card payment page for the application fee. Should beat filling out forms, getting money orders, and paying for overnight mailing :)
I've had a love/hate relationship with this blog, and in many ways I've been looking forward to letting it go. Living the examined life has its assets, but I'm not sure I have the stamina to continue doing it.
I planned to type the final chapter as of closing night of this season, but I do have some postscripts. Things that have come up in these last few weeks that I really should write about, but I'm simply too tired. So I'll go against my better judgment (something at which I have a lot of practice), and I'll be back with a few afterthoughts in a couple of weeks.